Discover The Feature of Enspire
Organizational Management
As the backbone of your HR management system, this module enables you to effectively handle employee documents, health history…
Project & Timesheets
Track your employees time logs of every day for every project and increase the productivity by analyzing the report and data
Loans & Advances
As a company you always think of emplooyee benefits in terms of providing them loans and salary advance to fulfill.
Leave Management
This module provides a glimpse of the power of Enspire and handles employee requests for leave and vacation seamlessly by applying your company policies..
Payroll & Taxation
Enspire helps you to streamline your payroll process and manage it efficiently without any hurdles with customized payroll process, multi payroll.
Travel & Expenses
Track and streamline your employees travle details and expenses with flexbil policy configuration, workflow.
Time Management
Automate your timekeeping related processes. This feature-rich module efficiently organizes labor data, improves workforce management and helps you to minimize attendance.
Training & Improvements
Improve your employees skill set, productivity by providing them training in specified areas. Enspire will help you to publish.
Personnel Administration
Personal information management is a basic function of any HR department. Provide flexibility to your employees to update their skill, experience.
Performance Appraisals
Simplifying the performance review process saves you time and increases employer and employee satisfaction.
Asset Management
With this module your IT/HR department can easily handle inventories, asset allocation to employee, asset conditions.
We Built on Latest Technology
We select the latest technology and platform to built the full feature rich HR management system.
It is built to operate in multiple conditions such as On-Premis, Hybrid, and Cloud.
Ability to integrate with ERP systems, Auto email nortification, Alert for real time communication. Bio-metric integration.
Reduce Human Errors
Reliable algorithms and robust technology backed to reduce human errors and adaptable globally.
Adaptable to any platform and able to access on Mobile and Web Portal etc…
Process Streamlining
Bulk uploads of Employee master data and its attributes. Designing the processes as per the policies of company at various combinations.